
It Is Going To Be A LONG Summer.

Today is the first "official" day of summer break. Our day started at 8am with breakfast then...

Jumping on The trampoline(yes. I know. We totally caved. How can we say no??)

Wiping off the wet Trampoline.

Jumping some more.

Playing Mariokart on the wii

Jumping on the trampoline

Playing 3 games of golf on the wii

Playing 3 games of tennis on the wii

Jumping on the trampoline

Playing Nick Jr. online

Making trampoline party invites to her friends

By 10am! YES 10am, she was complaining she was "SO BORED"
How am I going to do this? Thankfully we have tennis lessons and theater workshops starting next week. OH MY!


Lana said...

Oh man! Good luck! ;)

ARCHER'S said...

Jen, I remember the days when my kids would always say they were bored Some how you get through it! (but enjoy it because they grow up so fast - I have to say that part of my life was so enjoyable) Ashlyn is a cutie and did great at the dance they performed in school. :-)